This paperback reprint of Planet Comics #8 is a high-quality reproduction of the digital scans of the original comic book. It features all of the original artwork and stories.
Stories in this issue feature Flint Baker, The Red Comet, Gale Allen, Fero Interplanetary Detective, Don Granval, Dexter Ames, Captain Nelson Cole of the Solar Force, Spurt Hammond, Buzz Crandall of the Space Patrol, Crash Barker and the Doom Sled, Planet Payson, Sheena
Stories in this issue include:
Golden Amazons of Venus
Mystery of the Vanishing Men
The War of the Electronic Universe
Cradle of the World
Robot Raiders of Mars
The Fiery World
War Gods of Tomorrow
Originally published September 1940 by Fiction House.
Additional credits for Planet Comics No8:
Arthur King, Fred Nelson, Starr Gayza, Allison Brant, G.O. Garsh, Lin Davies, Beekman Terrill, Orson Herr, Jack Smiley, Dusty Rhodes